As a first responder, I was usually the first person to see you on one of your worst days.
Watching my fellow Wisconsinites base their healthcare decisions on whether or not they had enough savings to cover an ambulance ride, emergency department visit, or hospital stay is so heartbreaking it is difficult to try to put into words.
My stance on healthcare focuses on establishing a comprehensive, accessible, and affordable healthcare system that covers every American. Health care is considered a basic human right, and the government has a responsibility to ensure that every individual has access to quality healthcare services, regardless of their income or background.
To achieve this goal, progressive Wisconsinites should be advocating for a single-payer healthcare system, commonly called "Medicare for All".
This system would allow every American to receive comprehensive healthcare benefits without having to worry about high premiums, deductibles, or copays, not just those over 65. We all pay into this system, so why should we also be paying into a corporate FOR PROFIT system whose profits increase year over year while we as Wisconsinites have to fight these companies just so they cover the minimum they promised they would.
In addition to expanding access to healthcare, progressive Wisconsinites should also support measures that would address the underlying issues that drive up healthcare costs. This includes policies to lower the cost of prescription drugs, policies to reduce the corporate hoarding of our insurance payments, funding to help improve community health infrastructure, and increase access to preventative services.
To ensure that healthcare remains affordable and accessible for all Americans, we should also believe in strengthening Medicaid and expanding access to Medicare.
This includes expanding the Medicaid program to cover more low-income individuals and families, and lowering the age of eligibility for Medicare so that more Americans can access this vital healthcare benefit. A system much like the elected officials in Washington D.C. receive.
Ultimately, Wisconsin’s stance on healthcare should be based on the belief that healthcare is a basic human right, and that every individual should have access to quality healthcare services without fear of financial ruin. By taking bold actions to expand and improve healthcare for all Americans, we can build a healthier, more equitable society for future generations.