Ben will tirelessly advocate for the protection of collective bargaining rights. Steinhoff plans to implement policies that not only safeguard these rights but also actively expand the benefits associated with union membership. By making it easier for employees to join unions, he aims to empower workers, giving them a stronger voice in their workplaces. highlighting his dedication to enhancing the economic security, workplace safety legislation and overall well-being of working families nationwide.

Scott Fitzgerald, as State Senator, was an original author of Act 10— enacted in 2011, Act 10 played a significant role in making Wisconsin a right-to-work state, diminishing the power of unions and significantly decreasing worker rights and benefits. Fitzgerald's championing of this legislation underscored his long-standing anti-worker stance. As congressman, Fitzgerald has continued to pursue policies that undermine worker protections, prioritize corporate interests, and limit the power of labor organizations.


As a first responder, Ben Steinhoff is dedicated to ensuring that our first responders have the resources they need to effectively serve our communities. By revamping funding for community services, we can enhance 911 response times, providing timely assistance in emergencies. His commitment includes strong support for local and community-based medical providers, recognizing their essential role in our healthcare system. Ben will champion for significant reforms aimed at increasing funding, training, and federal support for localities, ensuring that community services are equipped to meet the needs of all citizens.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, State Senator Scott Fitzgerald played a pivotal role in withholding emergency funding from local municipalities. This decision resulted in several Wisconsin healthcare providers going out of business and led to the complete shutdown of various local community services. As Congressman, he voted NO on HR2499, the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act of 2022 and continues to use combative rhetoric instead of productive policy when legislating for our first responders and community leaders.


Ben Steinhoff is committed to supporting strong immigration reform by advocating for authentic security measures at our nation's southern border, including all points of entry. He believes that truly protecting our southern border is essential for national security and economic stability. Steinhoff aims to collaborate with Congress to develop and pass a productive, realistic, and fair immigration reform bill that addresses the needs of both our nation and those seeking a better life here. We can and will attack both the issue of illegal immigration and border security at the same time.

Congressman Fitzgerald speaks vehemently about the need for stricter border controls, aiming to resonate with voters who prioritize immigration issues. However, when Congressional Democrats and Republicans united to back a bill aimed at combating illegal immigration and enhancing border security, written by Republican Senator James Lankford, Scott Fitzgerald supported Speaker Mike Johnson in obstructing the bill from reaching a vote. This inconsistency highlights a troubling pattern in Fitzgerald's approach to border security. Rather than seizing bipartisan opportunities to address the issue he so frequently decries, he contributes to legislative gridlock, impeding potential solutions and compromising the very security he pledges to safeguard.


Ben Steinhoff believes that every American should have access to high-quality, and clean drinking water, running from their tap. He also supported the Great Lakes Water plan, a pivotal step in ensuring clean water was accessible to Waukesha County residents, as a private citizen living in Waukesha County— and as Congressman will provide cities and states with the resources they need to provide clean drinking water, restore and replace lead pipes, and dramatically reduce costs for homeowners.

Scott Fitzgerald, as State Senator, was one of only 6 to vote NO on the Great Lakes Water plan which did provide Waukesha County with access to high quality, highly accessible and cost effective drinking water, and as Congressman voted against HR2964 which aimed to finance measures to forestall sewage contamination in our communities’ water supply.