Women’s Health

Today, as states across the country are attempting to gut the healthcare rights of women I stand before you as a staunch advocate for women's reproductive rights, a fundamental cornerstone of gender equality and individual autonomy. In our society, the right to make decisions about our own bodies is not just a privilege but an inherent human right—one that must be fiercely protected and upheld.

I understand that reproductive freedom is not just about abortion—it's about comprehensive healthcare, access to contraception, access to in vitro fertilization, the ability to plan for a family, and the ability to make informed choices about our bodies and our futures. It's about recognizing that every woman deserves access to safe and affordable reproductive healthcare, regardless of her socioeconomic status or geographic location.  

Out of the 11 wealthiest nations the U.S ranks last in access to prenatal care, access to postpartum care, maternal care workforce composition, and paid time off for either parent. All other comparable nations guarantee a minimum of 14 weeks off paid leave from work, while several provide over a year of maternal leave. We spend more on healthcare in this country than any other nation on earth yet we lead all wealthy countries in infant and maternal mortality rates. Since 2000 maternal death rates in the U.S have been increasing and every year roughly 700 pregnancy related deaths occur of which two-thirds are considered preventable. This is beyond unacceptable and if elected I will fight every day in Washington to ensure no more mothers die needlessly by the hands of law makers apathy. 

I refuse to allow politicians, special interest groups, or for profit insurance companies to dictate what a woman can or cannot do with her body. I reject the erosion of reproductive rights through harmful legislation and attacks on reproductive healthcare providers. I stand with women who face barriers to accessing the care they need and deserve, whether it's due to financial constraints, restrictive laws, or stigma.

My vision for a just society includes a world where women are empowered to make their own decisions about their bodies, their health, and their lives. I envision a healthcare system that prioritizes preventive care, education, and compassionate support for all individuals. I believe in comprehensive sexuality education that empowers people with the knowledge and tools to make informed choices and protect their health.

But our fight is not over. We must continue to push back against attempts to roll back reproductive rights, to defund essential healthcare services, and to perpetuate harmful myths and misinformation. We all must advocate for policies that expand access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion care, and dismantle systemic barriers that disproportionately impact marginalized communities.

Together, we can build a future where every person has the freedom to control their own reproductive destiny, where reproductive justice is a reality for all, and where every woman can live with dignity, autonomy, and respect. Let us stand united in defense of women's reproductive rights, for they are not just women's rights—they are human rights, and they are fundamental to the pursuit of equality and justice for all.


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